Title: The influence of Instagram Ads to Consumer Behavior among Youths: A Case of Congo Street Cloth Trades in Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Authors: David Mayunga & Henry L. Mambo

David Mayunga  Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Department of Media and Library Studies, The Open University of Tanzania (OUT),P. O. Box 23409, Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania.
Henry L. Mambo  Head of the Department of Media and Library Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, The Open University of Tanzania (OUT), P. O. Box 23409, Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania.
*Correspondence: david.mayunga@tbc.go.tz/davidmayungatz@gmail.com


The study was guided by the question: What is the influence of Instagram ads on consumer behavior among youths? The specific objectives of the study were to examine the extent in which youths are using Instagram, to identify the aspect of youths use Instagram, to establish a relationship between the uses of Instagram and purchasing tendency of youths, and also to examine the extent to which young people are affected by Instagram ads in their buying habits. The study used a descriptive research design. Questionnaires and interviews were used whereas a sample of 66 people was selected conveniently during data collection since the area is occupied with various business activities. Media Marketing theory was used to aid a researcher in finding information. Findings show that Instagram ads have impacted youths in decision making, since more than 33% of the total respondents were affected in buying decisions, (30%) mentioned that Instagram Ads increased consumer behavior among themselves and 37% of respondents were addicted to social media. The study concludes that youths are affected by Instagram ads in their buying decisions. Thus with the advancement of technology nowadays business people should learn the better ways of using Instagram as a business tool to promote their products and attract customers while buyers should also know the proper use of Instagram. The study recommends that the government should control online businesses so that no one will be harmed and the revenue will be easily collected.

Keywords: Instagram, Instagram ads, consumer behavior, youths

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