Title: The Contribution of African Traditional Sacrifices Towards Solving Existential Problems: A Case of the Sukuma People in Shinyanga Region, Tanzania

Authors: Marco Edward and Elia Shabani Mligo*

 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Teofilo Kisanji University, P.O. Box 1104, Mbeya, United Republic of Tanzania.
*Correspondence: eshamm2015@gmail.com


Sacrifice is a worldwide phenomenon. It is a renowned way for people showing solidarity among themselves and between them and supernatural beings. In African context, sacrifice serves as a means of contact to the Supreme Being through divinities and ancestors in order to maintain peace in families and communities at large. This article reports the findings of a research conducted among the Sukuma of Shinyanga Region in regard to the issue of sacrifice. The study sought to find out the major reasons for the Sukuma offering sacrifices. By the use of Communion Theory (the theory of origins of sacrifice) proposed by William Robertson Smith as a perspective, a case study design, a qualitative approach and telephone interview as a method, the study discovered that most of the Sukuma people, even among Christians, offer traditional sacrifices as a means of restoring peace to their families and community at large through thanksgiving, requesting for success in their daily requisites, atonement purposes and protection from harm. The study suggests that Christianity should find a possible way of contextualizing African traditional sacrifices in its doctrines in order to prevent Christians from practicing them secretly.

Keywords: African traditional sacrifice; The Sukuma people; Qualitative approach; Christian missionaries

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